Sunday, 25 August 2013


This year we're launching some new programmes for you! We're setting up a Housing and Representatives
scheme. We're looking for volunteers for these schemes! The experience will be a good addition to a 'Life Experiences' list to not to mention how great it will look on a CV. Take a look below to find out more or click the 'Opportunities' link. If you are interested in any of the listed, please don't hesitate to contact us either on our facebook page or any of the other contact options on the 'Contact Us' page.


The housing scheme is a new system by this year’s ACS set up to encourage healthy competition.
By dividing the society up into competitive teams, we aim to promote the family and communal branch of the society.

It will include activities ranging from social events in a relaxed environment to cookouts and even sports.
The competition will be launched during Black History Month with a debate on Positive Discrimination and will be concluded at the end of the year with a sporting day.
Any suggestion for events are welcome and we look forward to an enjoyable year ahead.


After carrying out surveys, we have gathered that not all ACS members are totally involved in the ACS as they don’t really know what is going on. And the ACS definitely loves seeing lots of people from each year at its events!

This is why the ACS committee has opened up positions for a representative for each year! This aims to maximise participation within every year in university. The Representatives will be responsible for ensuring that everyone is included in all ACS activities in which they wish to take part, by communicating information to the different years by various means.

It would be great to see a lot of you volunteer for this new role & it would definitely help you build your CV! Don't forget, we're also looking for:
- Mentors,
- Writers,
- Volunteers for events,
- Sub Committee members,


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